Friday, March 28, 2008

Revelation Run

First, here I am heading back to the US after a beverage run in Mexico. Back then I did not actually run, as you can see.

I know I haven't been posting much. This is do to the blue flu. Down in the dumps with the runs and feeling Blah. Was blaming it on the weather, which does get some responsibility. However, during my run today I had a revelation as to my pooh pooh problem, it is cross country and track.

In 1999 I took over as the head coach for Loudonville High School Boys and Girls Cross Country.
In 1998 the were no girls out for CC so the previous coach was asked to retire. A shame as she was the coach who established a sound girls CC team at the school over her ten year tenure. Now my 10th year is coming this fall and destiny looks to repeat, as my boys team may not have the numbers to compete as a boys team. This is a little depressing as the boys teams have been a power 7 of the last 9 years. So will I be asked to retire after my 10th year or should I step down and let a younger coach come in and regenerate the team?
As for the girls, the numbers are there, but the talent or desire is missing.
A delemia for me to sort out. And that's what has been making me so blue, as I still enjoy coaching. Maybe age (mine) is the factor that is limiting the number of athletes heading for cross country and track.

Tomorrow I plan on running 10 miles and 12 miles on Sunday. Monday is the last day of March so I will finish out with 5 miles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don you better not quit now. You're the only coach i have for all three sports!

P.S. Nice picture btw that had to be a long time ago!!! hahahah